The beauty industry is becoming cleaner, greener, and all around eco-friendly. Brands are paying more attention to what they put into their products – and so are consumers. Especially when it comes to hair products. And we’re not just talking shampoos and styling products, either. Shoppers are increasingly wary of what goes into their hair extensions as well. Ethically-sourced hair extensions are making waves in the marketplace – that’s why we rounded up the best of the best below.
Hair extension brand Luxy Hair is putting transparency first. Made from 100% remy human hair, Luxy Hair has an array of clip-ins, ponytail extensions, and other amazing products made with only ethically-sourced, high quality components.
In their efforts to uphold eco-conscious practices, Luxy Hair recently partnered with Matter of Trust to create a hair recycling program. You can donate your used set of human hair extensions and they’ll be turned into absorbent mats used to help clean up oil spills.
Ethically sourced from India, Woven Hair Co. is bringing beautiful hair extensions to the most people possible. In addition to selling high quality clip-ins and wefts, the brand dedicates a portion of each purchase to funding the creation of high quality wigs and hair pieces for women in need who cannot afford them.
Australian brand Sitting Pretty is making halo hair extensions you can feel good about buying. This 360 degree approach to thin-hair woes features 100% remy human hair at a price point that’s still (relatively) affordable.
Handcrafted in small batches, Rebundle’s braid extensions feature non-toxic, eco-friendly ingredients to avoid scalp irritation in style.
At Ayune hair, ethical sourcing pairs perfectly with the brand’s mission of love and purpose. These gorgeous hair extensions are ethically sourced from suppliers in Indonesia, collected from women who meticulously pick strands of hair from their hair brushes and combs over time.
Larin’s 100% Remy human hair extensions are ethically sourced and specifically prepared to preserve the protective layers of the cuticle – giving the hair healthy looking shine. Larin’s extensions are natural-looking and built to last.
Philocaly Hair is takes ethical sourcing seriously – that’s why their extensions are guaranteed to come from a single donor who willingly has their ponytail cut off for a fair wage. The result is well-preserved, flawless strands for professional and retail use.
And we never saw it coming.
Are you using the best shampoo for your silver strands?
It has a lot to do with control.
Mane: (n.) A head of distinctly long, thick hair. Addicts: (tr.v) To occupy or involve oneself in something habitually or compulsively.